Patak’s Makes Perfect
Patak's has been the household staple of Indian cooking for generations. However, not everyone knows the authentic story behind the family's success. With a confident new brand platform, "Patak's makes perfect" we set out to draw a culinary line from past to present, bringing to life the family's century-long quest for perfection.

A recipe for authenticity

We collaborated with Anjali Pathak, a member of the founding family, throughout the process.

Anjali provided photos of her parents and relatives, some of which are visible in the final scene. We also dressed sets with vintage Patak's tins, plus artwork and photos from their very own history room.

Anyone with a keen eye may notice the notebook used by Grandma Pathak reappears in the kitchen scenes from each generation.


Brand fluency score (exceptional)


Star rating (strong)


Improvement in rank against all condiments ads tested

Results based on industry data from System1

We love talking to humans in all kinds of ways. Calls are brilliant (although some of the younger humans find it weird that you’d speak to someone using your actual voice when you could just WhatsApp or slide into their DMs). We also love an email, letter, carrier pigeons or feel free to pop in.

General enquiries:

Work with us:

0207 632 0400

BMB London
3rd Floor
10 Queen Street Place